Thursday, August 5, 2010


this is the last time,please forgive me for posting emo-ish post.

This is a mess
Now I m done
Forget me
I m dead
No one will ever notice that I died
This is stupid

Why am I writing?
No one will see this
My heart and my soul
they have told me

Now my mind is a mess
with so many shadows
it filled my empty-ed hatred
now I cant breath

My heart is so pain
but what's with the pain
I cant cry for this pain

My brain hurt
what am I thinking?
I cant get everything straight

hey you
yes it is you
the one who's reading this

do you hate me?


but deep in the heart

you may hear it say yes

I'm tired
so tired that even die cant relief me
so I cant die now


a light is on
everyone is gathering around
they wont see me
because I am staying where I am
Place I suppose to be

I want to close my heavy eyes
but I cant
What's the point?

This is awful
I hear a voice
it is screaming for help
